Saturday, January 10, 2009

Assistive Gaming - Mac OS X games & Accessibility

Mac World Post #4 - I was disappointed that the person who had been demonstrating had left before I stopped by the demonstration site on late Friday afternoon.

The website looks good as does the statement on the site: "Assistive Gaming provides information on how people with disabilities can enjoy the latest and greatest games on Mac OS X. In other words, how can you play and make accessible games that were not made with accessibility in mind. The editors and authors use assistive technology to access their computer, so they know what they are talking about.... "

I've forwarded url to Jane at TransAccess Technology Center who provided the content for the teacher tutorial on Discovering Assistive Technology.

Two business cards were left on the demonstration platform -- one for AssistiveGaming and one for AssistiveWear T-shirts. The two URLS use the same "head-designed" graphic element -- a blue salamander logo. A cool black cat is also available. Check out the shirts and short video.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I was the person who was doing demos at that station, but I had to fly back to Europe on Friday to be back in time for another trade show in London. Sorry to have missed you.

I think that what actually based highlights what that station was all about are the short videos here:

