Sunday, May 6, 2012

E-Books and Exercise

What is your daily workout? Do you exercise both your mind and body?  Each day, do you step onto a treadmill or climb onto an exercise bike to stay in shape while reading or listening to a good book?  This image illustrates my daily visit to the YMCA. 

Download a thick page-turner mystery or best seller, start walking (hold on to the treadmill's siderails or your eReader) and shed pounds while getting your cardio exercise.  This is a book lover's fitness secret. In fact, I bet schools could help fight youth obesity and increase literacy levels with this secret strategy: an hour a day walking with a book. Librarians and coaches could collaborate on how to best use these cool tools: eReaders, eBooks, and treadmills. 

Notice that one person prefers the printed word while the second image shows an eReader, in this case, an iPad and an iPod.

A variety of gift items are available at the Library Advocate's DesignClass with this design.  See

1 comment:

Jane Lofton said...

What great images! And what a great combination - exercise and reading!